
Building a Performant iOS Profiler

Here is a quick overview of profilers, and a deep dive into how we built the Sentry iOS profiler that has low enough overhead that it could run in production apps with minimal impact to user experience.
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Monitoring and Prioritizing Edge Cases, Without ‘Gold-plating’ Non-critical Issues

Prioritizing issues is priceless for us. With that, we’re not only able to increase system resiliency and quality, but we avoid gold-plating, giving us time to work on impactful tasks.
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How a Product Studio Mitigates User Friction with Performance Monitoring

Our developers easily identify and resolve performance bottlenecks – like querying the database while iterating over a collection rather than prefetching –, resulting in up to orders of magnitude fewer database queries, and shorter response times.
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Maintaining High-Velocity Feature Development, Without Sacrificing Quality

"We want to use best-in-class tools to help our engineers be effective, and having a solution that other organizations widely use makes onboarding faster for new team members."
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Deprecating TLS 1.0 and 1.1

On November 1, Sentry will no longer be providing support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 on and . Originally this blog post mentioned plans on…
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Slope Wallet Solana Hack

On August 2nd, 2022, roughly 9,321 Solana wallets appear to have been drained of their cryptocurrency. While the parties investigating this…
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Supporting Developers with Fit-for-Purpose APM Solutions: A CTO’s Perspective

Leading a team through different growth stages requires evolving insights and for Gorgias CTO and co-founder, Alex Plugaru, it’s important to understand how developers work, not just what they’re working on.
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A Developer’s Take On Solving Hard-to-Replicate Performance Problems In-Production

"Besides single event investigations, Sentry is very useful to get a general overview of how our app is performing from dev to QA to production and we use dashboards to make sure that we’re always up to date on how performance is looking across the frontend, the backend, and our evaluation service."
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Workflow 2.0

This is a conversation we had with our Engineering, Product, and Design (EPD) organization. We are publishing it as we believe it’s…
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A Pound of Cure - Why Sentry Matters

Benjamin Franklin was a smart dude. Among the many wonderful things he produced was an eternal bit of wisdom - an ounce of prevention is…
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How to Surface Relevant Performance Data

Your applications most likely consist of multiple components. These components could be written in different languages, with each…
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Sentry Points of Presence: How We Built a Distributed Ingestion Infrastructure

Event ingestion is one of the most mission-critical components at Sentry, so it’s only natural that we constantly strive to improve its…
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Why We Returned To Work At Sentry Full-Time

After wrapping up their fall and winter internships at Sentry, David Wang and Leander Rodrigues knew that this was where they wanted to kick…
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Deprecation From U2F API to WebAuthn

If you’re using the U2F API for registration and authentication of your U2F devices, you will notice a dire situation is coming soon: Google…
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Bringing Specto into the Sentry Family

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve acquired Specto, a powerful mobile profiling tool from ex-Facebook mobile experts who share our…
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Automate, Group, and Get Alerted: A Best Practices Guide to Monitoring your Code - Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series on how to monitor code health at scale with Sentry.
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Automate, Group, and Get Alerted: A Best Practices Guide to Monitoring your Code - Part 1

This is part one of a two-part series on how to monitor code health at scale with Sentry.
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An Eventful End To The Year

We’re going to be at DroidCon, AWS re:Invent, and Node + JS Interactive before the year is done.
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