
Sleep More; Triage Faster with Sentry

As a developer, triage duty week was often the worst week of my month. Anytime a bug was reported, I’d search for the right environment…
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Introducing Search by User Click for Session Replay: Zero in on Interesting Replays, Faster

With the new search by user click feature for Session Replay, we’re giving you greater ability to surface relevant and interesting replays.
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Confidently Manage Multiple Projects with Sentry's New Spend Allocation and Spike Protection

Today we’re announcing our new Spend Allocation feature and updates to Spike Protection, giving you more control over how your projects…
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Syntax × Sentry MMXXIII

Today is a special day at Sentry, as today we welcome Syntax to the family. We’ve long been fans of Scott and Wes, of what they’ve built…
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Code Mappings and Why They Matter

Code Mappings connect errors to the source code in a repository. And since errors can have paths that are different from the tree structure of the repository, Code Mappings determines the accurate path through a combination of a repository URL and a path transformation. Sentry uses Code Mappings to serve issue context on the issue details page.
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Sentry’s Frontend Tests: Migrating from Enzyme to React Testing Library

At Sentry, we practice continuous delivery,  which means that code can be released as soon as it’s merged into the main branch. This allows…
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Introducing OpenTelemetry Support: Take Action on Your Observability Data

As an open source company that grew out of a side project in 2008 to an application and performance monitoring platform (APM) used by over…
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Introducing Session Replay from Sentry: Bridge the Gap between Code and UX

We’re making Session Replay generally available to all Sentry users. Remove the guesswork from troubleshooting by seeing video-like reproductions of what users experience leading up to and after an error or performance issue. Session Replay supports all web-based platforms.
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Bringing Codecov into the Sentry Family: Where Code Coverage Meets Application Monitoring

Today Codecov is joining the Sentry family. Codecov began as a code coverage reporting tool in 2014 and has since emerged as a market leader…
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Getting to That Elusive “Inbox Zero” With Custom Alerts and Codeowners

"I had to be able to balance my engineers’ time between fixing bugs and building new features, for that to happen we needed a solution that helped us stay on top of our backlog."
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Sentry's response to Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228

Sentry is not impacted by the log4j vulnerabilities, CVE-2021-44228 or CVE-2021-45046, also known as log4shell.
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Slow and Steady: Converting Sentry’s Entire Frontend to TypeScript

Recently, Sentry converted 100% of its frontend React codebase from JavaScript to TypeScript. This year-long effort spanned over a dozen…
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Series D: Moving Faster and (Not) Breaking Things

Can Sentaurs become unicorns? Apparently so.
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The Sentry Workflow — Alert

Errors suck. And you don’t want to spend your time fixing or investigating them. In our Workflow series, we’ll help you optimize your workflow, from crash to resolution.
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Shipping Clean Code at Sentry with Linters, Travis CI, Percy, & More

Hopefully it's no surprise that shipping clean, safe, and correct code is a high priority for engineering at Sentry. Here's a look at how we do just that.
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Shipping Sentry 9

Sentry 9 is a release that was long in the making, touched by virtually every member of our application engineering team in some way.
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The Monitor — Stephen Boak, Senior Product Designer at Datadog

In this fifth edition of The Monitor, Stephen Boak discusses Datadog's approach to monitoring (how appropriate) and product design.
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Better Team Management in Sentry

Today we’re rolling out several improvements to the way teams are managed in Sentry. We feel these changes will help your organization…
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