Chris Heher

    Blogs Published by Chris Heher

    Jamstack June: A Recap

    SDK Updates
    Like any jam session, Jamstack June must end. But not before we reprise a few of our greatest licks of the month: Our Next.js SDK monitors…
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    Why Debugging JavaScript Sucks — And What You Can Do About It

    What makes JavaScript great is also what makes it frustrating to debug, but there are methods you can use to improve the debugging experience.
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    Jamstack, Next.js, Netlify, and Sentry: How The Pieces Fit

    Error Monitoring
    Jamstack (Javascript + APIs + Markup) is a web architecture that combines the convenience of pre-built websites with the capacity to handle…
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    Find the Root Cause Faster with Trace View and Trace Navigator

    Like a bratty teenager, traditional monitoring answers your questions, but does so in a terse, unhelpful manner: Why is my page slow? Guess…
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    Great Moments in Application Monitoring

    The consequences of poor application performance are both real and terrifying: lost customers, lost trust from your team, and lost…
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    Measuring Success with Sentry

    SDK Updates
    In the early days of web development, there was one way to measure code: WTFs per minute. It was a metric that could be applied across all…
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    Measuring User Experience with Web Vitals

    Top of search for you means top of mind for your customers. And with Google’s upcoming Page Experience update to Web Vitals taking place in…
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    Python 3 Compatibility: What To Know

    Compatibility is a moving target. This is particularly true for backwards-incompatible languages such as Python 3, as it forces developers…
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    Patching A Flood of 404s

    Dogfooding Chronicles
    In our latest edition of Dogfooding Chronicles, we use Discover to root out the bane of all companies everywhere: the 404 page.
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    Asking The Right Query With Discover

    Successful businesses don’t sort data — they shape it. Discover, Sentry’s query builder, gives form to your event data so you can measure…
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    A Gem of an Update: Performance Monitoring for Ruby

    SDK Updates order to continuously improve your Ruby application, you need to understand…
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    Sentry Receives SOC 2 Type 2 Certification

    No matter your business, keeping customer data secure is critical toward keeping your customer’s trust. With the rise in data breaches (and…
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    How Slow is Slow?

    Slow is the new downtime. What you once feared from a downed website — decreased conversion rates, lower page ranks, abandoned carts — now…
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    Go-Getting Lazy-Loading

    Dogfooding Chronicles
    In our latest edition of the Dogfooding Chronicles, we use Performance to motivate lazy-loading user-facing data.
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    See Slow Faster with Performance Monitoring

    Like nature intended, but better. Performance Monitoring from Sentry is taking off.
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    Don’t Be Alarmed by Alerts

    Set thresholds. Receive alerts. Sentry’s new Metric Alerts makes it easy to swift-ly, react to issues before things go off the rails. C what we did there?
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    Dogfooding Chronicles: Thinking Backward, Moving Forward

    Dogfooding Chronicles
    In part two of Dogfooding Chronicles, our team used all available resources — Discover, Metric Alerts, and our new Performance offering — to track a slow-loading frontend issue back to its backend origins.
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    Dogfooding Chronicles: Tracing the path from “It’s Slow” to “What’s Slow”

    Dogfooding Chronicles
    In part one of Sentry’s Dogfooding Chronicles, find out how we used Performance’s application monitoring features to keep a slow product demo from demoralizing the team.
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