Dogfooding Chronicles

Dogfooding Chronicles is a series in which we gaze upon our navels and share tales of how we fix our product using our product.

Sentry on Sentry: How Metrics saved us $160K

Dogfooding Chronicles
If you know me, you know I care about fast code. Recently, I ran a simple query that revealed that we spend almost $160k a year on one task…
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Replaying Backend Errors using Sentry’s Session Replay

Dogfooding Chronicles
With Session Replay tools, you can more easily see what user actions lead to an error. For example, Sentry’s Session Replay is a first class…
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Dogfooding Chronicles: Weekly Report Emails

Dogfooding Chronicles
If you’re a Sentry user, you’ve probably seen those weekly emails we send out at the start of the week. They give a weekly recap to users of…
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Making a Time Zone Picker Control for .NET MAUI

Dogfooding Chronicles
In this post, Matt-Johnson Pint from the Sentry .NET team walks us through how he made a Time Zone Picker user interface control for .NET MAUI, leveraging MAUI's support for platform-specific code.
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Monitoring our Local Development Environment with Sentry

Dogfooding Chronicles
Is your organization's local development environment plagued with issues? Read on how you can use Sentry to monitor it and help you solve issues quickly.
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Instrumenting Our Frontend Test Suite (...and fixing what we found)

Dogfooding Chronicles
Adding Instrumentation to Jest Here at Sentry, we like to dogfood our product as much as possible. Sometimes, it results in unusual…
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Dogfooding Chronicles: Never Be Content With Your Content (Security Policies)

Dogfooding Chronicles
A Content Security Policy (CSP) lets a browser know which content sources are to be trusted — and which aren’t. Learn how to update your CSP and protect your application.
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Using Sentry Performance To Make Sentry Performant

Dogfooding Chronicles
Like many companies, Sentry uses feature flags to determine when certain users see certain features. Recently, we decided to switch our…
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Issue Detail Performance Improvements

Dogfooding Chronicles
One of Sentry’s most-trafficked pages is our issue details page, as it helps our customers understand the root cause of an error. For those…
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Patching A Flood of 404s

Dogfooding Chronicles
In our latest edition of Dogfooding Chronicles, we use Discover to root out the bane of all companies everywhere: the 404 page.
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Verifying Large Refactors in Production with Sentry

Dogfooding Chronicles
Recently we used Sentry to ensure we didn’t break Sentry while doing a large code refactoring project.
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Finding and Fixing Django N+1 Problems

Dogfooding Chronicles
Sentry now detects N+1 issues. Learn more about how to find and fix Django N+1 problems here.
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Go-Getting Lazy-Loading

Dogfooding Chronicles
In our latest edition of the Dogfooding Chronicles, we use Performance to motivate lazy-loading user-facing data.
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Handling GraphQL Errors Using Sentry

Dogfooding Chronicles
When GraphQL queries go wrong, the focus is usually on handling the returned exception. Learn how to take the original GraphQL request & translate it into a more informative response with Sentry.
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Dogfooding Chronicles: Thinking Backward, Moving Forward

Dogfooding Chronicles
In part two of Dogfooding Chronicles, our team used all available resources — Discover, Metric Alerts, and our new Performance offering — to track a slow-loading frontend issue back to its backend origins.
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Dogfooding Chronicles: Tracing the path from “It’s Slow” to “What’s Slow”

Dogfooding Chronicles
In part one of Sentry’s Dogfooding Chronicles, find out how we used Performance’s application monitoring features to keep a slow product demo from demoralizing the team.
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Fixing Sentry with Sentry: Lock-Contention Edition

Dogfooding Chronicles
We recently experienced two minor outages (sorry about that). Here's how we found and fixed the issue.
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Capture Content Security Policy (CSP) Violations with Sentry

Dogfooding Chronicles
A closer look at how you can use Sentry to easily capture CSP violations.
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of Functional Software, Inc.