SDK Updates

Improved OpenTelemetry & Node Support in JavaScript v8 SDK

SDK Updates
As first announced during Sentry Launch Week, we have been working on shipping a major release of our JavaScript SDKs. This update makes…
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Why we’re excited to partner with Laravel

SDK Updates
In case you missed it, our friends at Laravel just announced a new partnership with… well… Sentry. The TL;DR is that you can add error…
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Monitor Supabase databases and Edge Functions

SDK Updates
When cloud service providers first started popping up, many developers were “wowed” by being able to spin up and scale all kinds of…
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Five improvements to Make Debugging Less Terrible

SDK Updates
Over the past year, we released a couple of new offerings, like Session Replay and Cron Monitoring. But in addition to building new products…
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Sentry .NET SDK 4.0 improvements for .NET 8

SDK Updates
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Sentry’s support for the .NET ecosystem with over 150 million downloads, we’re excited to announce…
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Making your JavaScript projects less noisy

SDK Updates
If you’re using Sentry for JavaScript error monitoring, you may be familiar with a common challenge: sifting through noisy, low-value errors…
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Sentry for SvelteKit

SDK Updates
We’re happy to announce that the Sentry SvelteKit SDK is now generally available and ready to help you monitor your SvelteKit application…
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Local Variables for NodeJS in Sentry

SDK Updates
Stack traces show us exactly where an exception occurred, but you can still be left wondering: What arguments or state caused the exception to occur? If you can reproduce the issue locally with a debugger attached you’ll have access to these local variables, but with Sentry you can identify the exception location *without* needing to reproduce the issue locally. By including local variables with stack traces, Sentry events become much closer to the full debugging experience.
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4 Mobile Vitals to Keep a Pulse on Your Flutter Applications

SDK Updates
Flutter is one of the fastest-growing open source cross-platform development frameworks. The likes of BMW, Google Pay, Tencent, and iRobot…
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Sentry’s Android Gradle Plugin Updated with Room Support and More

SDK Updates
Monitoring performance is a critical part of software development. We just released version 3.0.0 of our Sentry Android Gradle plugin, which…
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Troubleshooting Spring Boot Applications with Sentry

SDK Updates
In this article, we walk through how to troubleshoot Spring Boot applications using Sentry. Learn more here about how Sentry can improve your application.
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UI Breadcrumbs for Android Error Events

SDK Updates
In [many] cases, when a crash happens in your Android application, you want more context on what occurred before the issue — kind of like…
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Keep Gamers Gaming — Application Monitoring for Unity

SDK Updates
Given the millions of registered Unity developers worldwide, Unity is arguably the most popular engine used to develop games. But, whether…
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A Gem of an Update: Performance Monitoring for Ruby

SDK Updates order to continuously improve your Ruby application, you need to understand…
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Debug Node.js Projects with Source Maps

SDK Updates
We now support source maps for Node.js projects. Here's a look at how to debug Node.js projects and make those source maps available for Sentry.
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Getting Started with Rust Error Tracking

SDK Updates
Sentry's Rust SDK provides you with as much error information as possible, as long as you ship your debug information in the executable. Here's a look at how you can optimize your Rust error tracking.
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Logging Laravel Errors with Sentry

SDK Updates
Today we’re announcing native integration with Laravel through our new sentry-laravel package. This is a drastic improvement over our…
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Capturing Java Exceptions with Sentry

SDK Updates
Getting started with Java exception handling can be an intimidating prospect. Learn more here about how to capture Java exceptions with Sentry.
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of Functional Software, Inc.