Angela Jiang

Product Marketing

Angela manages product marketing for all things Session Replay. Outside of Sentry, Angela enjoys rock climbing, swimming in saltwater (more buoyancy), and moving plants around her house.

    Blogs Published by Angela Jiang

    Downtime happens, fix it faster - Uptime monitoring now in open beta

    Performance Monitoring
    That moment when everything’s running smoothly—users engaged, conversions flowing—until your site takes a break, and you find out from a…
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    Announcing Session Replay for Mobile – in Open Beta

    Session Replay for iOS, Android, and React Native is now in open beta. If you already know what Session Replay is, amazing – click the link…
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    New in User Feedback: Screenshots & Spam Detection

    We recently added the User Feedback Widget to the Sentry platform, and now we are releasing two additional features to the product to help…
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    Introducing the User Feedback Widget– The easiest way to connect with your users

    Sentry is pretty good at capturing all your production issues. But sometimes your user hits an issue that doesn’t fire an exception – maybe…
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    Five improvements to Make Debugging Less Terrible

    SDK Updates
    Over the past year, we released a couple of new offerings, like Session Replay and Cron Monitoring. But in addition to building new products…
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    Freeze Bad Deployments in their Tracks with the GitHub Deployment Gate Integration

    If you have a large codebase with multiple developers shipping quickly – errors need to be caught quickly as well. To help ensure your code…
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    Introducing Session Replay from Sentry: Bridge the Gap between Code and UX

    We’re making Session Replay generally available to all Sentry users. Remove the guesswork from troubleshooting by seeing video-like reproductions of what users experience leading up to and after an error or performance issue. Session Replay supports all web-based platforms.
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    How to Integrate GitHub with Sentry to Increase Speed to Resolution

    Toolchains are complicated these days - developers and engineering managers are working with more tools than they probably care to count. In…
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    Get Insights Into Project Health with Updates to Dashboards and Stats

    We made a few updates to Dashboards and Stats so you can spend less time manually building reports and more time getting insights.
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