Performance Monitoring

Introducing Insights: Tailored debugging workflows for your application

Performance Monitoring
You’re seeing an unusually high number of 429 status codes, but your monitoring solution can’t tell you much beyond that. Typically, that’s…
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Your bad LCP score might be a backend issue

Performance Monitoring
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a Core Web Vital (CWV) metric that marks the point in the page load timeline where the main page content…
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How to hack your Google Lighthouse scores in 2024

Performance Monitoring
Google Lighthouse has been one of the most effective ways to gamify and promote web page performance among developers. Using Lighthouse, we…
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Don’t observe. Debug.

Performance Monitoring
The term “observability” is a strange one. We understand its value as a way to describe a sophisticated approach to monitoring complex…
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The Forensics Of React Server Components (RSCs)

Performance Monitoring
In this article, we’re going to look deeply at React Server Components (RSCs). They are the latest innovation in React’s ecosystem…
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5 easy tips to improve your personal website performance

Performance Monitoring
If you’re a developer, you need a personal website. While billionaire-owned, algorithm-based social media platforms arbitrarily decide what…
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Why don’t we talk about minifying CSS anymore?

Performance Monitoring
Remember Grunt files? Gulp files? We rarely need to think about CSS minification, chunking, splitting and post-processing anymore. Here's why.
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Your background images might be causing CLS

Performance Monitoring
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is where the layout of a web page unexpectedly shifts after the initial content loads and new content pops in…
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How I fixed my brutal TTFB

Performance Monitoring
Here's how two small changes improved the TTFB of my website homepage by over 80%.
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Improving INP and FID with production profiling

Performance Monitoring
On March 12 Google began promoting INP (Interaction to Next Paint) into a Core Web Vital metric in an effort to push performance beyond page…
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Low effort image optimization tips

Performance Monitoring
“A picture is worth a thousand words”. So if a picture takes more than 4 seconds to load, does it mean that your website’s content fails to communicate a thousand words? In this blog post, we’ll learn how to identify unoptimized images, how to fix them, and how to validate the fix — so your website can speak volumes with highly-optimized images.
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INP, tracing, and mobile app starts: move faster and solve real user pain with Sentry Performance

Performance Monitoring
Today, we’re making it even easier to find and solve user-impacting issues with three new Sentry Performance features: INP (Interaction to…
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What is INP and why you should care

Performance Monitoring
Learn about INP: the new Core Web Vital that's replacing FID, and how you can optimize your websites for performance today.
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Browser Profiling Learnings from

Performance Monitoring
Since enabling browser profiling on our dashboard a month ago, we have collected over 2M profiles and learned a lot about how our…
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Fix your actual slow-loading assets with Resource Monitoring

Performance Monitoring
Slow-loading assets on your web pages can lead to frustrated users, high bounce rates, and lost conversions. For the vast majority of…
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Fetch Waterfall in React

Performance Monitoring
Have you seen this problem? Or maybe this one? You’ve most likely seen this: Hint: they’re all the same. The first image is Sentry’s Event…
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Detecting Main Thread Issues in Mobile Applications

Performance Monitoring
Mobile device users care about three things when it comes to good app performance: Smooth UI Long battery life How quickly the app does what…
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Profiling 101: What is profiling? (1/2)

Performance Monitoring
The performance of your app matters. From ensuring a good user experience to retaining users, performance makes a difference in your app’s…
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