SDK Updates

The Sentry Remix SDK is Now Available

SDK Updates
Sentry has made it a priority to support frontend JavaScript developers, regardless of the framework they use. This is why we have SDKs for…
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FastAPI and Starlette Sentry Integrations Have Arrived

SDK Updates
FastAPI is known for building REST APIs, middleware services, and simple integration for adding authentications and more. And it’s known for…
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Compiling Angular Libraries Properly in a Multi-Framework SDK Monorepo

SDK Updates
Bugs don’t always emerge because we made mistakes, but often because of regressions in libraries or updates to frameworks, languages…
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Understanding the Performance Impact of Generated JavaScript

SDK Updates
There are major package size benefits to reducing the amount of generated JavaScript your package is creating. As part of our larger Javascript SDK package reduction, we spent a considerable effort to minify as much of our code as possible. If you’re looking to do the same, here are six improvements to consider.
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JavaScript SDK “Package Size is Massive” - So we reduced it by 29%

SDK Updates
Developers started to notice just how big our JavaScript package was and yeah, we knew. We weren’t ignoring the issues; after all, we don’t want the Sentry package to be the cause of a slowdown. But to reduce our JavaScript SDK package size effectively we had to account for shipping new capabilities, like being able to manage the health of a release and performance monitoring, while maintaining a manageable bundle size. After all, new features == bigger package - usually.
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.NET MAUI SDK Now Available in Preview

SDK Updates
.NET MAUI has arrived, making multi-platform application development faster and easier from a single C# codebase.
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The Sentry Ruby SDK now supports Release Health

SDK Updates
Developers work tirelessly to publish updates to improve their products and services because, as we all know, a better user experience…
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Performance Monitoring and more updates to Sentry for Electron

SDK Updates
For those who aren’t that familiar with it, Electron is an open-source framework that allows developers to build cross-platform desktop…
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JS Browser SDK: Bundle size matters

SDK Updates
SDKs naturally increase in size over time. After all, it does take more bytes to implement more features. This is not a big deal for most…
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Alias: An approach to .NET Assembly Conflict Resolution

SDK Updates
Many .NET applications and frameworks support a plugin based model. Also known as “add-in” or “extension” model. A plugin model allows…
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Continuous Improvement in Native

SDK Updates
Track crash-free sessions, crash-free users, version adoption, and the overall health of each release of your native applications with Sentry.
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How a Windows 10 Update Might Have Broken Your .NET App

SDK Updates
Several days ago, Microsoft released the April 2018 Update (1803) of Windows 10. This release was an in-place installation of .NET Framework 4. Surprise! An app you created yesterday, or even years ago, could suddenly start crashing because of an OS update.
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Introducing Sentry Cordova

SDK Updates
We've released a new SDK for the popular web app framework Cordova.
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Sentry-Cocoa macOS Security Update and Sentry-Swift Security Notice

SDK Updates
We released sentry-cocoa 3.10.0, which resolves a security incident that may have affected users on macOS apps without a sandbox.
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A Swift Sip of Cocoa

SDK Updates
Sentry Swift client launches for iOS, tvOS, macOS and watchOS
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Vue.js Error Reporting with Sentry

SDK Updates
Sentry now supports Vue.js, including Vue 2
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Internationalization and React

SDK Updates
It’s always nice if a project outgrows your initial vision in a way. This happened for the first time in Sentry a long time ago when…
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Sentry JavaScript SDK 2.0.0 is available now

SDK Updates
We’ve just released version 2.0.0 of our client JavaScript integration library, Raven.js. This version introduces some important major…
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