
Leveraging our new User Feedback widget to improve our Performance product

While Sentry can automatically detect unhandled exceptions, poor performance, and even signals of user frustration such as rage clicks…
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November product updates for Sentry

Grab your favorite mug, fill it with some warm chocolatey goodness – it is hot cocoa season after all –, and check out our most recent…
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Spotlight: Sentry for Development

A long time ago I worked on a project called Django Debug Toolbar (DJDT). It was a local development plugin that would give you a debug…
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Sentry’s EU Data Region Now in Early Access

Like many of our customers, Sentry takes privacy and data sovereignty seriously. One of Sentry’s values is to be for “Every Developer,” and…
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Not Every Problem is an Error: Introducing Rage and Dead Clicks + New User Feedback Reports

I know, we’re Sentry the error and performance monitoring platform and we catch production issues. But as you (hopefully) saw during our…
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Next.js SDK Security Advisory - CVE-2023-46729

TL;DR We released a critical security advisory today for Sentry’s Next.js SDK. In the SDK versions 7.26.0-7.76.0 (inclusive), when the…
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Improved GraphQL Support in Sentry

Beautiful syntax-highlighted GraphQL errors are coming — get ‘em while they’re fresh! Not that we encourage you to add more errors of any…
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October Product Updates for Sentry

Hey, you. Yes, you. Do you want to fix broken code faster and easier? Of course, you do. Who doesn’t? Well, lucky for you, we dedicated the…
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Making Performance Monitoring More Actionable with Sentry

How your code performs isn’t a subjective debate. Well, at least not anymore — in the past few months, Sentry has started telling you…
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Full Stack Visibility to Find the Root Cause of Slow

An app that works as expected is great, but if expected means a beachball for 10 seconds before the page loads, that’s… not so great…
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Sentry's New Mobile App for Managing Releases

Once a year we let our imagination go wild for a whole week during our annual Hackweek event. It’s where we come up with product updates…
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Why Debugging JavaScript Sucks — And What You Can Do About It

What makes JavaScript great is also what makes it frustrating to debug, but there are methods you can use to improve the debugging experience.
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How to use Sentry Attachments with Mobile Applications

In a previous life as an Android developer, a customer reported a nasty bug that we didn’t know how to fix. After what felt like countless…
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Crash by API

Crashes are something we know a thing or two about. Here are some ideas on how to prevent your app from crashing due to an SDK issue that's out of your control.
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Rethinking Application Performance Monitoring (APM): Sentry Raises $40 Million Series C

From rich error monitoring to holistic application monitoring, Sentry is ready to push innovation in the application space.
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Exception Perceptions: Turning C# into a 5-Star Mobile App with Xamarin

On the newest episode of Exception Perceptions, Xamarin + Azure Cloud Developer Advocate Brandon Minnick talks about using C# and .NET skills to build fully native Android, iOS, and UWP apps.
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Three Questions to Ask of Every Bug You Fix

Bugs are not just some random annoyance, but an integral part of the development lifecycle. Here are three questions you might consider when approaching each one.
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Support for Minified React Errors

Sentry now automatically expands minified errors from production React apps.
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