Salma Alam-Naylor

Your bad LCP score might be a backend issue

Performance Monitoring
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a Core Web Vital (CWV) metric that marks the point in the page load timeline where the main page content…
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How to hack your Google Lighthouse scores in 2024

Performance Monitoring
Google Lighthouse has been one of the most effective ways to gamify and promote web page performance among developers. Using Lighthouse, we…
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5 easy tips to improve your personal website performance

Performance Monitoring
If you’re a developer, you need a personal website. While billionaire-owned, algorithm-based social media platforms arbitrarily decide what…
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Why don’t we talk about minifying CSS anymore?

Performance Monitoring
Remember Grunt files? Gulp files? We rarely need to think about CSS minification, chunking, splitting and post-processing anymore. Here's why.
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Your background images might be causing CLS

Performance Monitoring
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is where the layout of a web page unexpectedly shifts after the initial content loads and new content pops in…
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How I fixed my brutal TTFB

Performance Monitoring
Here's how two small changes improved the TTFB of my website homepage by over 80%.
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What is INP and why you should care

Performance Monitoring
Learn about INP: the new Core Web Vital that's replacing FID, and how you can optimize your websites for performance today.
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How to deal with API rate limits

Error Monitoring
When I first had the idea for this post, I wanted to provide a collection of actionable ways to handle errors caused by API rate limits in…
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Fallbacks for HTTP 404 images in HTML and JavaScript

Error Monitoring
Your images are 404ing all over the place. You’ve got an angry email from a client. Their site is “broken”, images aren’t loading…
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A story about HTTP status codes and why you should read documentation

Error Monitoring
Learn four things to consider when building APIs related to HTTP status codes. And when consuming APIs, don’t do what I did. Read the documentation, understand how the API is designed, and code defensively around unexpected results.
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From LCP to CLS: Improve your Core Web Vitals with Image Loading Best Practices

Performance Monitoring
If you’re a front end developer, there’s a high probability you’ve built (or will build) an image-heavy page. And you’ll need to make it…
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