Emily Vince

Product Marketing

Emily Vince helps developers make the most of Sentry. She was a history major, but loves learning about the latest trends and tech in software development. When not working, she’s usually cycling, skiing, or planning her next trip.

    Blogs Published by Emily Vince

    Don’t observe. Debug.

    Performance Monitoring
    The term “observability” is a strange one. We understand its value as a way to describe a sophisticated approach to monitoring complex…
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    Measure what matters and fix issues fast with Metrics: now in beta

    Four years ago, we stepped on some big toes with our developer-first performance monitoring. Since then thousands of software teams have…
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    Improving mobile performance, from slow screens to app start time

    Based on our experience working with thousands of mobile developer teams, we developed a mobile monitoring maturity curve here at Sentry. We…
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    5 Signs You Have Outgrown Your Mobile Monitoring Solution

    Imagine you start a new hobby — let’s say bike riding. You don’t want to invest a lot in a bike because you’re not sure that you’ll like it…
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    Mastering mobile: Reflecting on three years of mobile growth

    Few areas of development have seen as much recent change as mobile. Mobile phone and app usage spiked during the pandemic as we adapted to…
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