Seven Events in Thirty Days: Everywhere You Can Find Us in November

Sentry -

Who's excited for the upcoming event season? Apparently we are, since we'll be at seven events in thirty days!
Sentry is packing up our event booth and swag and hitting the road — likely to a town near you. Our packed calendar also means that there is NO EXCUSE not to come and visit our booth and learn about our new (and existing) features. Because who doesn't want to learn how to write better code, more efficiently (other than non-developers, perhaps 🤫)?
If you've made it this far, you clearly want to hear more about these events, so you can find us and ask us all the questions. We believe that you should give the people what they want. So here it is, the breakdown on the many upcoming events that we'll be exhibiting and/or talking at.
From Nov 11-13 at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, we'll be exhibiting at QCon and our very own Armin Ronacher will be giving a 50 minute talk about how "Everything is Broken and We Don't Know Why."
If you're unfamiliar with Armin, he is the Director of Engineering at Sentry. He's also the creator of the Flask web framework, very emotional about APIs and system architecture, and a tall person. Come view his talk, see how tall he is in person, and confirm that everybody writes broken code.
GitHub Universe
Sentry will be feeding the masses with the Food and Beverage GitHub Universe sponsorship at the Palace of Fine Arts Nov 13-14th.
Let's be frank, if you need something to feed your stomach or if you're just hungry for a tool that will help you be a better developer, our booth is for you. Look out for more information soon. Not having a blog post just about GitHub Universe would be the absolute wurst.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon
We'll be at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in San Diego Nov 18-20th, along with every other tech company in existence. Why? Because this is clearly the place to be.
You can find us at booth S68. We'll be handing out bath bombs to help you relax, because we care about peace of mind and clean code.

During Nov 18-20th we'll be in two places at once. Not just KubeCon but also RubyConf in Nashville, Tennessee. Two is clearly better than one.
Anyway, did you know that rubies are an excellent source of energy? We're all going to need as much energy we can get while at the "world’s largest and longest-running gathering of Ruby enthusiasts, practitioners, and companies."
At DroidCon in San Francisco at the Mission Bay Conference Center Nov 25-26, our mobile experts (Bruno Garcia, Filip Drabek, and Manoel Aranda Neto) are coming in from all over the world to discuss how well Sentry supports Android with our new mobile launch.
Seriously, Sentry is based in San Francisco, and we're flying our experts in from Vienna and Toronto just for you. Because we want you to get he most out of a visit to our booth and maybe a bath bomb or two. Go and ask them all the questions you can. They are very up for the challenge.
AWS re:Invent
Come see us at AWS re:Invent at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Dec. 2-5th. We're at booth 2727. Use the event expo floor map to find us. This way you won't get lost. Believe me you'll need it. This event is huge!
At AWS re:Invent we'll be educating people on error monitoring for server less environments. We'll also be giving out our bath bombs. Not only our regular bath bombs, but our brand new ones that come with a surprise.
Node + JS Interactive
Last, but certainly not the least, please join us at Node + JS Interactive, where we'll visit our friendly neighbors to the north in Montreal, Canada Dec. 11-12th. While we're there, we'll try not to freeze and make sure to enjoy some/lots of poutine. Also, our VP of Engineering and native Canadian, Ben Vinegar, is going to talk about "Getting the most out of JavaScript errors." Sounds exciting, eh?
You're likely wondering how we'll be at all these places, when some events overlap with others. The answer is Magic*. I'm a magical event planner**.

We really hope to see you at one of these events.
Cannot confirm magic has anything to do with it.
** Can confirm, I'm magical.