
May Product Update

The month of May has just ended and pretty much everybody agrees that 2023 is absolutely flying by. Here at Sentry, we’re looking to match…
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Details of the Sentry outage on May 6th, 2022

On May 6th, 2022 between 1:30 AM PDT and 12:17 PM PDT, Sentry experienced a large-scale incident which resulted in the majority of our…
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Better Alerts [as in, far more specific and just generally way better]

A couple of weeks back, we broke sign-ups. And in the most meta fashion, we learned about this because someone here had the foresight to set…
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Building Dark Mode

Like many companies, we have a Hack Week at Sentry. In 2017, we coded an app which blared entrance music for anyone who stepped foot in our…
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3 Ways to Improve JavaScript Applications

In January we brought Release Health to JavaScript. This month we’ve been thinking about the overall experience for JavaScript developers…
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How we grew Sentry's monthly active users by rethinking invitations

At its core, Sentry is a tool that alerts you to defects in your production software. But it does more than blast stack traces into your…
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How to Mutate Data in a System Designed for Immutable Data

In our Field Guide series, we share challenges and successes we've encountered while exploring uncharted territory.
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Field Guide: Sentry and the Legend of Snuba Migration

In our Field Guide series, we share challenges and successes we've encountered while exploring uncharted territory.
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Building Sentry: Symbolicator

In our Building a Sentry series, we'll be covering all the nitty-gritty details that go into building a debug experience at scale.
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Introducing Snuba: Sentry's New Search Infrastructure

We'd like to introduce you to the result of a year's worth of work — Snuba, the primary storage and query service for event data that powers Sentry in production.
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What's New in Sentry — April Changelog

Take a look at what shipped in April.
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Common Sentry Settings Roadblocks and How to Overcome Them

Finding and fixing bugs with Sentry is easier when Sentry itself is set up in a way that minimizes disruption.
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Minidumps: Giving Weight to Your Electron Bug Reports

We're exploring the intersection of minidumps and Electron.
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Life at Sentry: Meet Saloni Dudziak, VP of People

In our Life at Sentry series, we find out what Sentry employees actually think about Sentry and its culture.
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Life at Sentry: Meet Our 2018 Summer Interns

In our Life at Sentry series, we find out what Sentry employees actually think about Sentry and its culture.
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Looking Back on 2017

2015 was a big year for us. 2016 was even bigger. You know what that means: 2017 was the biggest yet.
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Introducing SAML-Based SSO Authentication: More Security, Easier Login

SAML 2.0 identity provisioning and access management with OneLogin, Auth0, and Okta is now available for our Enterprise plan.
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Looking Back on 2016

2016 was a big year for Sentry. It continued a test to see if we could turn a small idea into a big vision. Just a year prior there were…
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