Sentry 8 On-Premise

Sentry -

$ git diff --stat 7.7.4..8.0.0
1548 files changed, 196150 insertions(+), 132725 deletions(-)
Three months ago we pushed out an early version of Sentry 8 to our hosted
customers. Since then we've been improving monitoring workflows, squashing bugs, and adding
error monitoring features here and there. All of it has been leading up to today, where we
formally shipped Sentry 8 to the Python Package Index.
For a quick recap of the major features introduced into Sentry 8, take a look at our post from October: Sentry 8 is here.
In addition to the core features, a few other things have slipped in, some specific to On-Premise installs, including:

Additionally we've taken these values and made them configurable within theSentry Admin:

The new organization dashboard focuses on you, the user. While we are planning to expand on this greatly we've already found it to be invaluable for helping us with our workflow. It gives you a quick glance into issues assigned to you, what your team has been doing, and new issues within your teams.
*This feature will likely change, but an early version has shipped with 8.0*

Three new issues views have been enabled on the dashboard:
Assigned -- issues which have been assigned to you
Bookmarks -- issues which you have bookmarked
History -- issues you have viewed recently
All three of these views are organization wide, giving you a quick overview of all of your projects.
This feature will likely change, but an early version has shipped with 8.0
A lot of things have been overhauled on the backend, whether part of the setup process or simply day-to-day maintenance. For example, there's now a simple way to import and export critical system data (accounts, projects, api keys).
We've put a huge amount of effort into expanding our API, and while still early it's already proving to be extremely valuable for users who want to access data.
The Changelog for version 8 is pretty massive, and you should absolutely go over it before upgrading. Most things won't impact you, but of critical note, we are no longer supporting MySQL for installations. That doesn't mean it wont work, but it does mean you will likely have to deal w/ schema changes yourself.
For more and more Sentry users, our hosted SaaS solution is the more economical option, especially when it comes to the time required for maintenance and upgrade of any solution hosted on-premise.
Ultimately, whether you want to debug JavaScript, do Python error tracking, or handle an obscure PHP exception, we'll be working hard to provide the best possible experience for you and your team!