Get More From Sentry With Our PagerDuty Integration

Much like the pagers of yore, PagerDuty immediately notifies the right person when something goes wrong. That means that no matter when there’s an issue in your application, the right people on your team will hear about it.
But as much as we love PagerDuty, we’re not using valuable company time and resources just to tell you about it. We are, however, using valuable company time and resources to tell you all about our new integration with PagerDuty.
Hold up. Did you say "new integration"?
Indeed we did. We're combining Sentry's error monitoring with PagerDuty's automated escalation system to help you solve issues almost as fast as we find them. Now, PagerDuty will quickly let you know about all triggering incidents that Sentry identifies, and you can set up fine-grain alert rules in Sentry to make sure that the right people get paged about each issue. And if you’re ever feeling lost in a vast sea of Sentry and PagerDuty issues, not to fear: we link each Sentry issue to its corresponding PagerDuty issue, giving you all the context you need to resolve issues quickly and saving you countless minutes not spent swearing at your screen.
Sounds cool, but how do I use it?
That’s a great question, reader of this non-interactive blog who didn’t actually ask that question at all.
First: go to Settings and click on the Integrations Page. Then follow the integration instructions. (For a more comprehensive set of instructions, take a gander at our docs.)
Now that you’ve installed the integration, you can set up custom alerts via PagerDuty by navigating to Settings, then Projects, then your project name, then Alerts. Click on New Alert Rule. You're a genius.
You’re all ready to instate your new alert rule. You rule. You rule the rules.
So, why waste another minute using Sentry without the PagerDuty Integration? Set it up here and now.
Oh, if you're using our legacy PagerDuty Integration, you might want to update it, if you haven’t already.
About PagerDuty: PagerDuty, Inc. (NYSE:PD) is a leader in digital operations management. In an always-on world, organizations of all sizes trust PagerDuty to help them deliver a perfect digital experience to their customers, every time. Teams use PagerDuty to identify issues and opportunities in real time and bring together the right people to fix problems faster and prevent them in the future. Notable customers include GE, Vodafone, Box, and American Eagle Outfitters. To learn more and try PagerDuty for free, visit Follow our blog and connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook.