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Experience Sentry Scouts Meetups of Yesterday Through the Magic of Video

Chloe Condon image

Chloe Condon -

Experience Sentry Scouts Meetups of Yesterday Through the Magic of Video

Editor’s note: The next Sentry Scouts Meetup is in San Francisco on March 21st. Be there! Or don’t be there! Those are your two choices. If you’re in the SF Bay Area, we know which one you should pick (it’s the first one, the one where you be there). Watch recordings of our previous meetups here: Open Source and DevOps.

What words come to mind when you hear the word meetup? Maybe “pizza”… “live demo”… “sales pitch”... perhaps, [shivers] “networking”?

Here at Sentry, when we think meetup we think “s’mores”, “hot chocolate”, “live performances”, “useful information presented in an engaging way”, and “Girl Scout cookies”. As the Bay Area’s first (and perhaps only) camp-themed meetup, Sentry Scouts is here to host events you’ll look forward to attending each month.

Look at how informed and entertained all these people are

Need more convincing? Watch this short video:


If you attended our first 2 meet-ups, then you already know the drill: we start the evening with PowerPoint karaoke, invite our panel on-stage for a discussion, open the floor up to everyone, and then close out with some beverages (and the occasional live musical performance!). But perhaps you didn’t attend our Open Source and DevOps meetups… if only there was a way to go back and time and watch them. Alas.

Wait, maybe we’re overcomplicating this. You don’t need to go back in time to watch the previous meetups, you can just watch the videos! We now have recordings of panels and ppt karaoke featured on our website! Want to see what experts in their fields have to say about Open Source? What about DevOps? Then look no further! It’s all in one place for your at-home/on-train/stuck-in-traffic-in-an-Uber/sitting-on-a-boat-but-luckily-somehow-still-in-range-of-a-cell-tower viewing pleasure!

You can’t eat the Girl Scout cookies through the web and you can’t mingle with attendees (we’re patiently waiting for that Hyperloop, Elon. Come on, dude!). You can, however, attend our event next week if you’re in the Bay Area! Not only will we have fresh-made pop-tarts hot-from-the-toaster at GoDaddy's offices in SF, but we’ll also have beer from Drake's! Drake's Brewing Co. is pouring free beer, and bringing along their buddy: a giant raccoon! 🍻That's right- you can get a photo with a giant raccoon at Sentry Scouts this month! (Side note: there is no raccoon emoji, so we'll go with "trash panda": 🗑🐼)

Thumbs up!

See you there! Or here, on the internet!


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