What's New in Sentry — May Changelog

Sentry -
Whew. May is over, finally. It's such a rude month, pretending like it's summer when it actually is not summer. Get out of here, May. Anyway, hello, June!
Here's everything we shipped in May. Enjoy.
Application: searching
Recent searches can be accessed from the Issue search dropdown
Searches can be pinned and become the search default, visible in the Issues view
Saved Searches live at the organization level instead of per-project, and only owners can create them, making Sentry easier to use across multiple projects
Our new Go SDK is in beta, replacing the older Raven-Go
Our JavaScript (Browser & Node) and Python SDK now support Tracing / provide a Tracing integration that makes cross-platform error matching easy
So many new features in our command line tooling
sentry-cli supports RAM Bundles for React Native apps
sentry-cli has concurrent uploads for source maps, and the concurrency limit is 8 threads
For our own internal projects, we've seen a 5x increase in performance for uploads
Open Source
We upgraded to Django 1.8
Symbolicator can be run via the open source tool and supports symbolification with Minidumps
Sentry supports using Google BigTable directly, reducing storage costs by as much as 67%
We've made some layout & CSS changes to make the docs easier to read
We've changed the naming of the "Owner" role to "Organization Owner" to clarify permissions
You can self-serve upgrade your account to 6,000,000 events/month — no need to talk to sales
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