Welcome Chloe Condon

Sentry -
A former musical theatre actress and Hackbright Academy graduate, Chloe is very excited to combine her old and new education into one role at Sentry. You’ll likely see a lot of her around our Sentry meet-ups, in our videos, blog posts, at conferences, or eating free cheese in the corner at your local tech event.
Perhaps the only engineer you'll meet who has been in "Hairspray", "Xanadu", and "Jerry Springer: the Opera" — Chloe is passionate about bringing people with non-traditional backgrounds into the world of tech. When she’s not traveling the globe speaking at conferences, Chloe enjoys crafting with Perler beads, blogging, and going to drag shows. A quick Google search for Chloe Condon will provide you with getting started with Docker videos, theatre reviews, tech blogs, and videos of her singing — enjoy!