Take Part in the Sentry 8 Beta

Nearly 18 months ago we began exploring a brand new look for Sentry. Around the same time we also decided to modernize Sentry’s frontend. After many iterations on the technology and the design, we’re happy to finally be able to share it with you.
Today we’re opening up the beta to the general public.
If you’re a Sentry customer, you’ll be able to access the new Sentry at beta.sentry.io. This is an early release candidate for version 8 of our platform and is made up of more than 2,000 individual commits. We plan to run the beta for at least the next two weeks, and will be actively finishing up minor items and listening to your feedback.
What’s new?
From a high level, there’s a few major things you’ll notice almost immediately:
A brand new design. Most things will feel similar, though you’ll see some significant changes on pages like Stream and Event Details.
Faster rendering. Many pages are now rendered via React and simply communicate with our web API.
Release Tracking. Let Sentry know about the version of your application and many magical things will happen. We’ll be greatly expanding on support in this area in the future.
Assignment. While many of us use external issue trackers, sometimes duplicating effort isn’t worth it. We’ve added basic assign-to-user workflow to Sentry to help with that situation.
Event Merging. On the stream you’ll find a lot of added power around bulk actions. One of the newly exposed features allows you to merge event groups.
… and much more!
We’ll be talking more about these features in the coming weeks, but as part of the beta we want you to begin exploring for yourself. It’s important to us that things feel obvious and aren’t confusing.
We’re also not done yet. We’ll be moving faster than you’ve ever seen before, and things will be improving and changing very quickly.
As this is still a beta, we want to you to know that we’re still actively working on things. While everything is generally stable, you’ll find various display issues as well as pages that may not seem fast enough. We’re working on this, and you can track our progress via GitHub.
You also shouldn’t send data to the beta site (i.e. don't configure your clients with a beta DSN). You also shouldn’t configure release hooks or any other service to communicate with the beta site. These endpoints are generally available in production (by swapping out beta for app), but if you have questions we’re happy to answer them.
We’d love if you’d provide us feedback about the new release. A few key areas to explore:
the new Stream, as it’s quite a bit different
the Group details, and changes to how events function (overview vs individual event)
Release tracking — is there integration you’d like to see supported?
The preferred place for feedback would be our public issue tracker on GitHub. Just create an issue akin to “David Cramer’s Feedback on v8" and throw your comments and concerns in there.
Whether you want to debug Rails, do Django error tracking, or handle an obscure React exception, we'll be working hard to provide the best possible experience for you and your team with Sentry!