Got an Idea for an integration? Build it on our Integration Platform

Inspiration can come from anywhere. And sometimes we need to jumpstart our brain to get inspired. Well think of our new Example App repository as that jumpstart. It's a demo app that can bootstrap your integration development process. You can fork/clone and spin up within minutes to begin prototyping your integration on the Integration Platform. Click through the demo below to get an idea of how it works:
I'm going out on a limb here, but odds are you are using project management software to track your tasks, a chat service to check in with your team, and likely a version control suite that you can send your code to. And of course, you use Sentry for error and performance monitoring. Cobbling these tools together can become overwhelming and cumbersome. We as developers want our tools to talk to one another, to keep everyone on the same page — so we don’t have to.
What if Sentry doesn’t have an OOTB integration for one of your favorite tools? Or what if the tool you use is proprietary or a little bit niche? Whether you would like to create an internal integration for your organization, or would like to partner with Sentry on a public integration, we firmly believe in building ‘For Every Developer’, which is why we launched the Integration Platform. It’s a platform that lets developers build any integration and have it made available for all Sentry users. It gives you the ability to build any integration that you would like to see in Sentry.
Over the past few years, the team here at Sentry has been learning alongside the developers who have built on the Integration Platform. We’ve seen the challenges they’ve encountered, and have taken those learnings to make it even easier to build on Sentry. This includes adding new features, making major improvements to documentation, improving the debugging experience, and more. If there’s one thing we focus on at Sentry, it’s creating a great developer experience.
The Example App repository will make setting up your developer environment, testing with live webhooks from Sentry, managing tokens and installations, and a whole lot more, easier. It was written with the developer experience front and center, so you’ll find tons of helpful docs within the repo itself, two identical codebases for examples in Python and TypeScript, and a predefined schema to get you started.
Today, Example App repository covers:
Setting up ngrok and your Sentry integration
Verifying request signatures
Testing most webhooks
Installation - manage your OAuth process and verifying installations
Issues - see when issues are created, assigned, ignored or resolved
Alerts - receive notifications when metrics change status or specific issues are triggered
[New]Comments - sync to Sentry when comments are created, updated or deleted
Testing UI components
Issue Linking - associate issues with items in your integration
[New] Alert Rule Actions - enrich the alert webhooks with user-provided data such as channels, assignees, and other useful information
Using the Public API to create a starter client that handles token refresh
Amixr, Linear, and Shortcut are just a few examples of teams that rolled their own integrations and made them available for us all to use. So if you have an integration idea that you’ve been sitting on that you just know will make your life, your colleagues' lives, or other developers’ lives easier, it’s time to head over to the docs or check out this video and start building.