Get Free Access to Sentry in the GitHub Student Developer Pack

Hands-on experience is key to learning software development. But writing code is just the start. Building a modern application requires a variety of skills, from hosting and deploying to debugging and monetizing, in addition to programming.
Today, software engineers require training on the entire stack, encompassing client-side and server-side frameworks, as well as familiarity with industry tools like Digital Ocean, GitHub, Travis CI, Datadog, and Sentry. If you're a student and you've used these tools, then you'll have an enormous advantage when you enter the job market, since you're much less likely to fall behind the learning curve on production-focused workflows. Familiarity with a broad toolchain can even put you in a position to introduce better and more efficient development processes at your first company. Just the sort of thing that'll make you super popular around the watercooler Slack #channel.
However, developer tools can be cost-prohibitive when you're used to living off Ramen noodles. When your project starts to scale and turns into the next big thing while you're still on campus, stability shouldn’t depend on whether you and your co-founders can afford the Pro plan.
That's why, as part of our mission to help all developers build better applications, Sentry is committed to giving back where it matters most: students like you. In addition to our open-source projects and community support, we’ve formalized our sponsorship of Sentry for Education, and we’re thrilled to partner with GitHub in the Student Developer Pack.
If you’re currently enrolled at a college or university, just sign up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack and head over to Sentry for Education to get started. You simply need to link your GitHub account with Sentry to switch over to our .edu plan. Unlimited projects, unlimited members, and 500,000 events per month are just an OAuth 2 callback away! Then commit, deploy, iterate, and build something amazing.