Delete and Discard Issues You Don't Want to See
Though Sentry captures and presents every error encountered by your app, it goes without saying that not all errors and issues are equally deserving of your attention. While many errors are serious enough to need action either immediately or in the fairly near future, others may be annoyances caused by browser extensions or other external factors that are entirely out of your hands. Or it could be that you just don’t consider an issue serious enough to be worth thinking about.
That’s why we recently released our Delete & Discard feature, a quick way to get rid of very specific issues that you don’t want to see in your stream anymore. Here’s how it works:
Go to an issue
Scroll to the little trashcan up near the top
Click the arrow
Click the option to delete & discard future events
Confirm this is what you actually want to do

Delete and Discard in action
Most of the data associated with this issue will be removed and future events that match it will be discarded before reaching your stream. You’ll never be bothered by this specific error again and it will no longer count against your quota.
Unless, that is, you decide you’d like to be bothered by it again.
Because even though delete & discard sounds pretty final, it doesn’t have to be permanent. Should you ever come to regret D&D, you can easily turn it off on a case-by-case basis with a simple intelligence roll check using any D20 you have on hand. Or also just by going to Project Settings > Inbound Filters > Discarded Groups and clicking the trashcan next to the noted issue you’d like to Undiscard.

Undiscarding a discarded issue
Notice we say “Undiscard” here and not “Undelete and Undiscard”. This does not restore the previously deleted data, but instead simply removes the issue from your Discarded Groups so that any new errors that match this group appear in your stream again.
Delete & Discard requires a Medium, Large, or Enterprise plan. Learn more about our plans here.
Also note that this is not the only method to filter out errors you don't want in your stream. You can also use our Inbound Filters to ignore certain errors based on a wide variety of criteria or take a slightly more complex route and do client-side filtering by making config changes directly to the Sentry SDK.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions at all!