Announcing Session Replay for Mobile – in Open Beta

Session Replay for iOS, Android, and React Native is now in open beta. If you already know what Session Replay is, amazing – click the link…
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Debugging slow pages caused by slow backends

Performance Monitoring
As a developer, what should your reaction be when someone says your website is slow to load? As long as you don’t say, “I just let my users…
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Get Insights into backend infrastructure with Caches, Queues, Requests, & Queries

Performance Monitoring
To create exceptional products, developers need to understand the behavior of backed systems; however, we generally have the most control…
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Debug Third-Party APIs with Requests

Performance Monitoring
The internet is basically just a bunch of websites calling each other. You make a call to some service, that service calls you back, and…
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AI Application Insights with Sentry LLM Monitoring

Performance Monitoring
The data you need to monitor AI-powered applications differs from other parts of your tech stack. Whether you need to debug an error…
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Introducing Insights: Tailored debugging workflows for your application

Performance Monitoring
You’re seeing an unusually high number of 429 status codes, but your monitoring solution can’t tell you much beyond that. Typically, that’s…
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Your bad LCP score might be a backend issue

Performance Monitoring
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a Core Web Vital (CWV) metric that marks the point in the page load timeline where the main page content…
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Fix issues without user input with Session Replay

“Hey, can you give me the steps to repro?” After today, I’m happy to say I never need to ask this question again. Let me tell you what and how I discovered probably the most wonderful feature ever made: Session Replay.
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Improved OpenTelemetry & Node Support in JavaScript v8 SDK

SDK Updates
As first announced during Sentry Launch Week, we have been working on shipping a major release of our JavaScript SDKs. This update makes…
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How to hack your Google Lighthouse scores in 2024

Performance Monitoring
Google Lighthouse has been one of the most effective ways to gamify and promote web page performance among developers. Using Lighthouse, we…
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Don’t observe. Debug.

Performance Monitoring
The term “observability” is a strange one. We understand its value as a way to describe a sophisticated approach to monitoring complex…
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Why we’re excited to partner with Laravel

SDK Updates
In case you missed it, our friends at Laravel just announced a new partnership with… well… Sentry. The TL;DR is that you can add error…
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New in User Feedback: Screenshots & Spam Detection

We recently added the User Feedback Widget to the Sentry platform, and now we are releasing two additional features to the product to help…
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My errors are gone w̶i̶t̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ with a trace

Guest Posts
I can’t imagine another product where I go from “I probably don’t need this” to “I am adding this to all my products.” That’s what Sentry did to me. Can you imagine how many things a product needs to get right to change someone’s mind without some sort of human interaction or sales pitch?
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Removing ad trackers and cookies - the technical perspective

Sentry recently completed a multi-month project to remove all non-essential cookies and trackers from our public websites. For more context…
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The Forensics Of React Server Components (RSCs)

Performance Monitoring
In this article, we’re going to look deeply at React Server Components (RSCs). They are the latest innovation in React’s ecosystem…
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5 easy tips to improve your personal website performance

Performance Monitoring
If you’re a developer, you need a personal website. While billionaire-owned, algorithm-based social media platforms arbitrarily decide what…
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Building for the Fortune 500,000: 80% to go…

To the Sentry community - It was sixteen years ago that David Cramer pushed the first commit to a side project, and twelve years ago when he…
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Welcome Dave Rosenthal

A few months back I was talking with a leadership candidate and they said something that stuck with me. We were chatting about the…
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